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New members of staff, students and volunteers should all have read & understood the following policies:



Safeguarding is the responsibility of all adults, especially those working with children. At Beech Street Primary School, we recognise that high self-esteem, confidence, peer support and clear lines of communication with trusted adults helps all children, and especially those at risk of or suffering harm from abuse or neglect. We have recently updated our policy to include Annex H from Keeping Children Safe in Education 2020 update and added an Annex to reflect the COVID 19 situation. 


Our school will therefore: 

(a)     Establish and maintain an ethos where children feel secure, are encouraged to talk and are listened to.

This will be achieved by building positive relationships with all pupils. 

(b)     Ensure that children know that there are adults in the school who they can approach if they are worried or are in difficulty.

          This will be achieved by reminding pupils regularly who they can speak to in school if they have a worry or concern. 

(c)     Include in the curriculum, activities and opportunities for PSHE which equip children with the skills they need to stay safe and/or communicate their fears or concerns about abuse.

          Refer to PSHE and SEAL Policies.

(d)     Ensure that every effort will be made to establish effective working relationships with parents and practitioners from other agencies.

click for our full policy:Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy

Added Annex for COVID 19 


Worried about a child?

If you are worried about the welfare or safety of a child it is very important that you contact the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub. 

The new BRIDGE is based within Unity House and can be contacted by telephone on 0161 603 4500.

All enquiries concerning the welfare or safety of a child must go through the BRIDGE via

If a child is in immediate danger of being harmed, or is home alone the police must be called on 999.

Designated Lead for Child Protection

Ms O'Brien

Deputy  Headteacher

Designated Person for Child Protection

& Looked After Children

Mrs Fazackerley

SENCO & Reception Teacher



 Senior Designated Person for Child Protection

 Mr Spedding

Head teacher



Designated Person for Child Protection &

Mental Health Lead 

Children and Families Officer

Mrs Haywood