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Information for New Starters at Beech Street September 2025

Welcome to Beech Street Primary. Once you know your child has secured a place at Beech Street, you will be invited to a New Starter Welcome Meeting. This year, it will take place on: 


Tuesday 10th June at 4.30pm 


The meeting will provide you will all the information you need about your child starting school. You will also have the chance to look around our Early Years Classrooms and meet some of the key staff who will be teaching and supporting your children. It is really important that parents and carers attend this meeting as it may impact your child’s start date if you can’t attend. 

Your child will then be invited, with yourself,  to 2 stay and play session in their new classroom. The staff will also conduct a home visit to see you and your child in their familiar setting and they will also liaise with the staff at their current setting if applicable. 






A Day in Early Years