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Our Home School Agreement


Home School Agreement

Beech Street Primary School - AIMS AND VALUES


 Our children are taught to respect each other and adults in an environment of equal opportunity and are shown how to become responsible members of the school and community. Our school is a center of learning in which everyone is encouraged to acquire knowledge, skills and understanding.


School will:

a) Provide a broad and balanced education and encourage high standards.

b) Encourage children to do their best at all times.

c) Encourage children to take care of others and their surroundings.

d) Inform parents of the children's progress at regular meetings and in an annual written report.

e) Encourage discussion with parents as necessary.

f) Inform parents about what the teachers aim to teach their children each term.


Families/Carers will:

a) Make sure children arrive at school on time at 8.50 a.m.

b) Ensure appropriate arrangements are in place for prompt collection of pupils at the end of school

c) Make sure children attend regularly full-time, or as required by the school, and avoid taking term-time holidays unless absolutely necessary.

d) Make a phone call or speak to a member of staff on the morning of the first day of absence and provide a note of explanation when children return to school.

e) Attend Open Evenings to discuss their children's progress.

f) Read with children every day and help and encourage them with homework.

g) Help us to understand and support the children by sharing with us any home or medical issues that might affect your child.


The children will:

a) Always think about other people.

b) Be good listeners.

c) Look after their own, the school's and other people's belongings.

d) Walk around school quietly.

e) Follow the rules for playtime.

f) Do their best in all lessons.

g) Look after Beech Street Community and the people in it


Together we will:

a) Support children's learning to help them achieve their best.

b) Support any special needs.

c) Encourage the children to keep our school rules.

d) Support children to develop their well-being and happiness